Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Evidence-based practice Essay Example
Evidence-based practice Paper Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a wide ranging term with a large and multi-faceted meaning. Traditionally, a narrow definition may refer to EBP as de-emphasising intuition, unsystematic clinical experience and stresses the examination of clinical evidence from research (Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group, 1992). This definition misses the current broad and overarching nature of evidence-based practice. A more broad and current definition by the McMaster University Evidence Based Medicine Group (1996) identifies implications for the research used, for example concepts such as validity and appropriate data collection methods, as well as acknowledging patient preference as an important factor. Evidence-based practice has become a cornerstone of a variety of professional conduct, for example, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) mandates, for example, that all advice given to patients is based upon the best available evidence (NMC, 2008). The evidence provided by research does not, however, necessarily mandate a change in practice: the whole purpose of EBP is to use available research to inform practice, and as a result of good judgement by practitioners ensure that as healthcare professionals we do what is best by our patients (Sackett, 1996). The paper selected for analysis is called Effective and Sustainable Multimedia Education for Children with Asthma: A Randomized Control Trial (Krishna et al. 2006). Asthma is a common condition, affecting more than 5. million people in the UK as of 2004 (Asthma UK, 2004), costing the British economy more than  £ 2. 3 billion a year in a combination of NHS costs, lost days due to sickness etc. (Asthma UK, 2004). In 2001, 69,000 hospital admissions were directly related to asthma: more than 40,000 of these were adult admissions (Department of Health, 2001). With a combination of good education and access to appropriate healthcare services, these admissions could be reduced: chi ldren in good control of their condition are much less likely to require hospital admissions after transfer to adult services (Department of Health, 2004). We will write a custom essay sample on Evidence-based practice specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Evidence-based practice specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Evidence-based practice specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Therefore, as an adult nurse, I can see that the correct education in relation to asthma as a child can only benefit the patients that I take care of in the future. A possible specific question that the researchers aim to answer is presented as part of an introductory sentence. The overall aim of the study appears to be to improve asthma care by trying a different method of information-giving (i. e. multimedia presentation). The question appears to be equivocal: according to Cormack and Benton (2000) a good question will involve some mention of the different variables involved, something that this question fails to do. Following on from this is a list of five specific hypotheses that the study aimed to examine. Despite the lack of a clear and explicit research question, these hypotheses serve to focus the research: they form a clear, measurable guide as to what the researchers expect from the results (Hek Moule, 2006). However, this particular study only examines two of the five hypotheses, as the other three were already examined thoroughly in a previous study. This indicates that the bulk of the study was already completed, possibly in some form of pilot study. Therefore, this specific study only examines a small proportion of what it initially intended. Unfortunately, a copy of the previous research could not be found, and therefore specific details cannot be ascertained. The paper appears to be quantitative in nature: the researchers are seeking to test hypotheses, have operationalised the concepts to be measured and have created, in advance, the tools with which to measure the outcomes (Parahoo, 2006). Further more, the title of the article states that the research is a randomised control trial (RCT). Research of quantitative design is intended to look at facts and figures rather than opinions, be objective, rather than subjective and produce hard and fast data that can be applied to a larger population (Carter, 1996). This study aims to test two hypotheses: one will be tested using numbers (the results of spirometry) and the other using results from a Likert-scale questionnaire, again producing a number (a percentage). Therefore, a qualitative design, whereby opinions and feelings would be recorded would be inappropriate (Carter, 1996). Of course, it could be argued that the quantitative method of asking opinions is a qualitative design, rather than quantitative. The very fact that the researchers are asking for opinions could be considered inherently qualitative, as any results obtained would be subjective, that is personal to the respondent. This potentially would make the study a mixed methods design, whereby both quantitative and qualitative design aspects are incorporated into a single study (Hek Moule, 2006). This design has advantages, such as increasing the scope of research: not only is factual data obtained, but is then complemented by the thoughts and feelings of the target group. This allows conclusions to be broader and relevant (Arthur Nazroo, 2003). Conversely, a mixed-method study may produce contradictory results, and it may be difficult, if not impossible to ascertain which data is accurate, therefore rendering the research potentially useless (Maggs-Rapport, 2000). True to the design of a RCT, the study incorporates two groups: an experimental group (receiving both traditional and multimedia interventions) and a control group (receiving only the traditional intervention). The purpose of the control group is primarily to give a comparison, in this case, comparing the new intervention with the old. This system can be inherently unethical, discussed in later sections. As previously stated, the study claims to be a randomised control trial (RCT), more specifically an open experiment, meaning that everyone participating in the study was aware of who was in which group and it was conducted within a controlled environment. In this case, it is quite appropriate to use an RCT, as the questions posed by the study seem best answered with this means. Randomised control studies are designed to be carried out within a practice environment, within which variables can be easily controlled or manipulated (Hek Moule, 2006). Unfortunately, although experiment-design studies are easier to control, the do have some disadvantages. For example, they can be seen to be particularly susceptible to the Hawthorne Effect, whereby participants responses are skewed by the knowledge that they are in a trial (Carter, 1996). An open design, in this specific case, was probably the only way to make this study feasible. Blinding the participants to the theme of the study would have proved extremely difficult, and also quite unethical given the ages of the participants (Parahoo, 2006). A possible alternative design could have been based more around a qualitative design: placing more emphasis on the personal experience of the patient after using the multimedia software provided and the traditional methods. A semi-structured interview, whereby all of the participants are interviewed, using a set of questions to provide a loose structure (Hek Moule, 2006), would have allowed a more subjective view of patient experiences, but suffers from being completely subjective, as well as expensive, difficult to measure and almost impossible to apply to an entire population (Bell, 2005). It is also a method fraught with reliability issues: for example, interviewing is not necessarily an innate skill, and those conducting the interviews will need to be experienced, so as not to inadvertently lead the participant, or provide any cues that may influence the respondent (Hek Moule, 2006). The sample used in this experiment consisted initially of 246 children fitting the recruitment criterion, falling to 228 after attrition for various reasons. The sample appears to be convenience sample: the participants were obtained from a population that the researcher had easy access to (Parahoo, 2006). It appears that the initial 246 children were those that responded positively to participating in the trial from 1000 children asked. This, however, is not explicitly stated, and has been interpreted from given information. The use of convenience sampling is appropriate for the research design. This method of sampling involves selecting participants that are easily available (Herek, 1997), in this case attendees at the researchers clinics. Convenience, or accidental, sampling can be appropriate for a number of different reasons. For example, the researchers in this case needed to gain access to a very specific group of patients, namely asthmatic children, and therefore any asthmatic children presenting at the clinic would fit the criteria. It is therefore a cheap and easy method of gaining participants (Parahoo, 2006). Although a large number of research papers use such a method (Webb, 2003), it does have some rather unfortunate drawbacks. For example, patients attending the clinic would have been from a rather small region, and therefore the sample and by default the research findings could not be said to be representative of the population (Hek Moule, 2006), something that quantitative research seeks to achieve. An alternative method of sampling could be stratified random sampling, whereby the potential participants are randomly selected according a specific frame, accounting for variables such as ethnic group and gender, thus ensuring that a more accurate representation of the population is obtained (Hunt Tyrrell, 2001). Unfortunately, this sampling method can become extremely complex: as only 1000 potential participants were initially identified, accounting for several different variables could have resulted in an extremely small sample (Hunt Tyrrell, 2001). Indeed, in order to increase this sample size could become extremely expensive and time-consuming. In order to be applicable to a population, an appropriate sample size is needed that reflects the population as a whole (Parahoo, 2006). According to Hek and Moule (2006), a smaller sample size is more appropriate to a qualitative study (interested in the quality of the information) rather than a qualitative study (interested in gaining more information to make wider judgements). As this study has been identified as quantitative, a larger sample size would be expected (Hek Moule, 2006). As approximately 20 million Americans suffer from asthma (this being an American study), a convenience sample of 228 children can hardly be representative of this number. The research makes no justification or explanation as to why such a small number was used, something that would be expected for such an unusually small sample (Parahoo, 2006). Data collection methods refer to the methods/tools used by the researchers to obtain their data for analysis. In this case, the data collection methods included a variety of questionnaires were used, as well as demographic forms and the physiological measurement of forced expiratory volumes/flows (FEV): both FEV1 and FEF75%. A questionnaire is popular method of data collection, especially for quantitative research, mainly because it is predetermined, standardised and structured: three important and defining factors in quantitative research (Leung, 2001). That is not to say that, when correctly used, it does not have a place within qualitative research (Hek Moule, 2006). Questionnaires, in this case, were used for the most of the data collection. The use of questionnaires, although potentially quite difficult, can be advantageous. A well-designed questionnaire can be a fast, objective and comprehensive tool used to collect large amounts of data from very large populations in a reasonably small time frame (Milne, 1999). In this case, the questionnaires were filled out within the environment of the clinic, meaning that not only could several different people be participating at the same time, response rates would also have been exceptionally high (a common downfall of the questionnaire can be poor return rate). Questionnaires can be quite difficult to design and implement for several different reasons. For example, they can be expensive to develop and may require piloting before mainstream use (Parahoo, 2006). In this case, the majority of the questionnaires were designed by the researchers themselves, rather than using previously-validated examples, which could be costly (Parahoo, 2006). In such a case, the reliability and validity of the tool could be called into question. The lack of independent validation can mean that a poor quality questionnaire is employed, which could then impact upon the validity of the results (Milne, 1999). The results of questionnaires can also be quite limiting: respondents may not get to sufficiently give their views as there is no facility for this in a standardised format (Milne, 1999). An alternative to the questionnaire approach could have taken the form of some type of debriefing interview, for example a structured, one to one interview with a researcher using a guiding questionnaire. The advantages of this qualitative method of data collection include the sheer volume of information that can be obtained, as well as the potential for a much deeper understanding of patients feelings (Arthur Nazroo, 2003). Unfortunately, such an interview would be extremely time-consuming, and therefore not appropriate for a quantitative design structure. The data analysis section of the research appears initially to be quite comprehensive. The presence of a specific data analysis plan indicates that this section was well thought out and planned in advance. Despite this, the statistics are quite complex and difficult to follow. Selection of data evaluation techniques depends upon a number of variables, for example the sample size, sample method and research design (Parahoo, 2006). The researchers make quite extensive use of significance tests: for example, the t-test used to compare the means average results between the control and experimental groups and by extension the p-value of 0. 05 are both valid and appropriate data analysis techniques in these circumstances (Parahoo, 2006). Unfortunately, the results of the t-test can be quite difficult to interpret, as the researchers have neglected to include a value for the degrees of freedom. Without this value, it is impossible to extrapolate the parameters for such a t-value, and therefore an accuracy statement is impossible. The Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel (CMH) test employed to determine significant difference also seems to be an appropriate test. Significant different in this case refers to the odds that the difference between experimental and a control group is down to chance (Statistics. com, 2007). The CMH test is one such test, and seems to have been employed appropriately to show that the significant differences between the groups were not down to chance in all cases. With regard to presentation of data, two charts were presented: one relating to the spirometry results and the other the results of the questionnaire on acceptance of interactive multimedia. The table relating to lung function test shows data concerning both the experimental and control groups, including both their mean results and the standard deviation. The mean result refers to the average of the results over 12 months (Parahoo, 2006), whereas the standard deviation identifies how far around the mean the data was spread (Hek Moule, 2006). From this chart, it can be inferred that lung function improved in both groups over a period of twelve months, but improved more in the experimental group than the control group. This method of presenting the data is both clear and easy to interpret (Donnan, 1996). The chart representing acceptance of interactive multimedia shows what percentage of participants circled each response in the relevant questionnaire. From looking at the chart, it can be inferred, for example, that 100% of participants found the program very or somewhat easy, or that 71% found the program very or somewhat interesting. The relevant questionnaire was, as previously stated, designed along the 5-point Likert scale design, and as such was intended to provide a spectrum of responses for participants feelings. It appears that the researchers are using both of the positive responses, rather than breaking the results down into 5 different bands. As the Likert scale was designed to be interpreted using the 5 different bands individually (Likert, 1932), it seems that the results are in fact incorrectly presented. There are a wide variety of different tests that could have replaced any one of the different statistical tests employed. For example, instead of the CMH test, the Chi squared test could have been employed: both are non-parametric tests and both look for significance between two variables (Parahoo, 2006). Ethically, the study appears quite sound on face value. Hek and Moule (2006) set out four different ethical aspects that should be considered in any research: the principles of veracity, justice, beneficence and fidelity/respect. The researchers, for example, showed beneficence. This corresponds to not doing any harm to the participants, ensuring that participants benefit from the study and that the weak/vulnerable are protected from harm (Hek Moule, 2006). This is demonstrated by the inclusion of at least the standard, approved intervention for all of the patients: no-one was explicitly refused help. Veracity refers to ensuring that the truth is always told to participants, and that they are entitled to full disclosure before participating in research (Hek Moule, 2006). Again, this seems to have been implemented quite well: the fundamental design of the study was open, so that all involved were aware of what group they were placed in. Justice refers to being equal to all participants, and not favouring some over others. It also includes being non-discriminatory and ensuring that patients needs are made the priority over the study (Hek Moule, 2006). The sampling method employed ensured that most discrimination was eliminated: the first 1000 attendees were asked to participate. Unfortunately, it appears that by providing extra support to one group over another, the research team could have been seen to be favouring one group over the other. However, as the entire purpose of the study was to prove that the extra intervention made a difference to outcomes, this flaw is inherently unavoidable. Fidelity and respect refer to an array of factors including promoting independence among the participants, respecting autonomy, dignity and providing the right to self-determination and providing anonymity (Hek Moule, 2006). Promoting independence could be interpreted as being promoted by providing the additional intervention: participants of the study were encouraged to use the multimedia system independently as far as possible. All of the patient data was made anonymous by converting patient names into numbers prior to randomisation. Finally, the right of patients to withdraw was made apparent by the initial attrition rate experienced. Some unfortunate ethical issues that seem to have been overlooked include some serious consent issues. The researchers state that the child and caregiver had to be willing to sign a consent form before being allowed to participate. However, there is no mention of informed consent made. Informed consent means that patients are given sufficient information and sufficient time to process that information and provide understanding before consenting (Parahoo, 2006). It has been suggested that for informed consent to be obtained, a cooling off period should be allowed, whereby the participants could change there mind and opt out. The results of the study seem quite promising. From a wider perspective, the results show that the experimental group faired better than the control group, indicating that the intervention provided was at least not detrimental to the overall health of the participants. They show that given the extra intervention, outcomes are improved. The results also seem to prove the two hypotheses tested: lung function was improved, and the improvement was shown to be statistically significant, plus the additional intervention provided was acceptable, and was again statistically significant to within a given value for p. Looking more in depth, the analysis of the data does seem to have been slightly misconstrued, specifically the interpretation of the data obtained from the additional intervention questionnaire. From a clarity perspective, the results are quite difficult to interpret at an undergraduate level student with little previous experience, although the target audience of the research is probably not undergraduate nursing students. The overall validity and usefulness of the results are difficult to interpret. For instance, the sample size seemed to be extremely small, and therefore when the researchers imply that multimedia education can improve all outcomes, the results do not necessarily back up this assumption. The impact that this study will have on policy has the potential to be quite significant. Internet access is now quite common in the western world, and most children are familiar with the reasonably computer-literate. Therefore, adding this particular intervention into the current framework for care could be quite beneficial, although it would probably be more appropriate further research to be carried out before widespread integration. A recent study by Lintonen et al (2007) intimated that the use of information technology, although still in its infancy, had the potential to be developed into a powerful tool for health promotion, as demonstrated through several different current applications, such as smoking cessation. The Essence of Care Health Promotion Benchmarks (DOH, 2006) indicate that patients should have access to information in a way that meets their needs, as well as identifying that a range of different methods should be used in health promotion. This system could be another method by which this is achieved. With regard to current policy, this study neither supports nor challenges: instead, it seeks to augment current practice with the addition of another type of intervention. Conversely, it does raise some interesting questions regarding current policy. For example, why this type of intervention has not been further researched or even already implemented? As the research in itself appears to be quite limited in several ways, further research into the topic could pave the way for such a system to be implemented within the UK. This further research, of course, would need to be quite different from the current research. For example, a much larger sample size would help to provide further validity to findings, whereas integrating more qualitative methods, such as possibly interviewing a selection of participants may help to provide further depth. This particular piece of research fits into practice in a number of ways. It has allowed the exploration of several key ethical issues in more depth, such as consent issues for children and adults, as well as issues surrounding informed consent. As little was mentioned with regard to informed consent, it can only be assumed that this was not felt relevant, something from a healthcare angle can be seen as quite unprofessional. It has also shown that information technology in healthcare should be used much more comprehensively: the technology is available for health promotion systems such as this to be implemented, something that patients may find useful.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Theodore Roosevelt Essay Example
Theodore Roosevelt Essay Example Theodore Roosevelt Essay Theodore Roosevelt Essay The actual cause of the battle was caused when one of the rendering Natives gun went Off resulting in the soldiers firing on the unarmed Natives. It was later called the Natives last stand. 3. Who were the cowboys? They were the heroes of American culture and stories. They were the cattle drivers who led individual lives and the ruthless lawmen who dulled criminals in the streets. 4. Who were the robber barons? These were very rich and powerful businessmen in 1 9th century America who used exploitive methods to gain wealth and influence over politics, the stock market and national resources. 5. Of what was William Tweed boss? William Tweed was the most notorious and powerful politician/businessman in the history of the nation. The infamous Tweed, better known as Boss Tweed or boss of Tammany Hall, acquired huge amounts of wealth through systematic corruption of various businesses and public offices in New York. He became chief of the Department of Public Works in N. Y. C. And leader of Tammany Hall, New Works City Democratic clubhouse. He would win scores of immigrant and disheveled workers votes keeping control of the legislature so that it passed bills that benefited Tweed and associates directly and indirectly. In the end it was estimated he had amassed over $30 million illegally. His associate Samuel Titled finally turned him in after being ridiculed and called out by cartoonist Thomas Nanas. 6. What happened at Homemaker Square? Strike at Homemaker Square or also massacre there was caused by police confusion and distress among the striking workers themselves. The day before there was a strike to rally for an eight-hour workday at the McCormick Reaper Company when during the strike workers attacked strikebreakers and the police fired on the crowd killing six and wounding many others. The next ay as thousands of people gathered in Homemaker Square a bomb was thrown into the polices midst killing seven policemen. This incited a panic across the nation, as it was believed anarchists had caused the attack. 7. Who were the populists? In the late 1 sass the farmers, poverty stricken whites, and even the blacks united to form the Peoples or Populist Party of America. The party formation was because the laborers were fed up with how the government was run and especially the people running the government. Their goals called for the national ownership of the railroads, telegraph lines, and telephone yester. . What was the Cross of Gold? The issue of utmost importance in the sass was over currency whether we should use gold or silver currency and this was the epicenter of all politics during the time. Populists rallied for the Free Silver idea returning to the both gold and silver standard. The party had so much power it provided as the perfect springboard for any politicia n if they took up the cry as well. As the Democrats lost prestige with Cleveland a young Democrat from Nebraska, William Jennings Bryan, decided to seize the opportunity. He spoke at the Democratic nominating convention in 1 896 delivering one of the most memorable speeches ever heard. He dramatically claimed, You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. Then taking a position of crucifixion Bryan said, You shall not crucify mankind on a Cross of Gold. Although his electrifying speech secured him the ticket to the presidency the position was literally bought out by Mark Hanna and Republican William McKinley took office. 9. What did separate but equal mean? It meant that the government could legally segregate races in public remonstration, schools, and other public accommodations. In Please vs.. Ferguson the Supreme Court ruled this constitutional, totally ignoring the 14th Amendment. This led Governments mainly in the south to carry on separating public institutions on the basis that they were equal, but they never were equal. 10. Who was Jim Crow? Who was Uncle Tom? Just like the North used Uncle Tom as a symbol of their ideals Jim Crow was used in the South to represent and justify racist and segregation acts. He originated from a song written by Thomas Dartmouth Rice in the 1 sass and from theatre performances where he was depicted earning the offensive black face. 1. Who fought in the Spanish-American The war was not over any threats made against the U. S. But rather about showing strength and gaining very valuable and new markets for the rich and powerful in the government. President McKinley was surprisingly against the war, but he couldnt hold out against the powerful proponents for war in the government and outside. Henry Cabot Lodge a senator from Ma ssachusetts, Alfred Amman author of The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, and even future president Theodore Roosevelt called for war. Outside the government ricer were the newspaper giants William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer who knew a war would push paper sales through the roof. These men orchestrated a plot to show Spain as the worst of the worst and have president McKinley stuck in a corner with no escape but war. 12. Milestones in the Spanish-American War: January 25- The U. S. Battleship Maine drops anchor in Havana. February 15- The battleship Maine mysteriously explodes resulting in the deaths of 250 creamers. April 22- Congress passes the Voluntary Army Act calling for a cavalry, Cowboy Cavalry. U. S. Ships blockade Cuba. April 23- McKinley calls for 125,000 recruits. April 24- Spain declares war on the U. S. April 25- The U. S. Declares war exited since April 21 . May 1- The U. S. Pacific forces attack and capture Manila Bay in the Philippines. June 10- The first troops, 647 marines, land on Accountant Bay. July 1 After suffering several causalities at San Juan Heights Colonel Roosevelt takes command and takes San Juan Heights suffering more than 1 500 troops to the smaller Spanish force, but achieves war hero status. July 3- Admiral is ordered to break the blockade and reluctantly tries and fails miserably. July 10- The U. S. Roofs face no resistance and take Santiago and raise the flag. July 26- Through France peace terms are proposed. August 9- Spain accepts McKinley terms. 13. What did America gain from the Spanish-American war? Well we lost much 5,462 troops died mainly from diseases such as yellow fever and malaria. We did gain much territory expected and unexpected. As expected the IS. S. Gai ned control of Cuba and Puerco Rich, but also they gained control of Guam, Wake Island, and the Philippines. Another gain from the war was Theodore Teddy Roosevelt, a war hero riding his fame into the office of the presidency. 14. Who built the Panama Canal? In the 1 8805 a French company begun construction on a canal through the isthmus of then Colombia, but abandoned the project after major setbacks, deaths, and rising expenses. Then after the Spanish War and seeing how long it took for the ships to arrive the U. S. Took up the project, first under McKinley who had the land surveyed then to the fired up Roosevelt. He wouldnt let anything stop him and even incited a rebellion and created the country Panama that they could control. He then ordered the construction of the anal to pick up where the French left off finishing under Woodrow Wilson. 15. What happened at Kitty Hawk? Although not significant to many in 1903 on December 17, 1903 the Wright brothers piloted the first ever flight of a heavier-than air aircraft. A historic achievement that went down in the record books. 16. What was big stick? President Roosevelt was a powerful man and he got his way, even through force. His favorite saying is Speak softly, and carry a big stick; you will go far. His big stick was the military one of the most powerful. When miners went f strike and the companies wouldnt budge on the demands Roosevelt threatened to have the military run the mines if the company didnt Start work somehow again. 7. Who were the muckrakers? This was another term made popular by president Roosevelt he used the term to refer to journalists who wouldnt budge on their paths to uncover corruption. He got the name from Banyans man with the Muck-Rake, this character would be to fed up with the crap at his feet rather than try to reach the celestial crown. Roosevelt aimed this at the journalist s such as Ida M. Darrell, Lincoln Stiffens, and Upton Sinclair. These writers would investigate, expose, and bring down corrupted businesses and government like the meat packing industry and Standard Oil. 18. Who were the Wobbliest? The Industrial Workers of the Worlds, a labor union created in 1905, members were called Wobbliest. 19. Who was W. E. B. Dais? William Edward Burghers Dubos was one of the co-founders of the N. AC. P. And also was socialist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africans, author, and editor. He became famous after leading the Niagara Movement an African-American activist group that wanted equal rights for blacks. 20. What was the Bull Moose party? This was a party formed by Theodore Roosevelt after he split the Republican Party in the 191 2 presidential election. It was originally called the Progressive party but became the Bull Moose after reporters quoted Roosevelt as saying l feel like a bull moose. 21. Who was Poncho Villa? Jose Doter Orange Armful also known as Poncho Villa or Francisco Villa was a prominent Mexican Revolutionary General. He commanded the division of the north one of the larger Mexican states rich in resources. The Mexican people revered him as a hero as he would regularly raid trains, take over sciences, and distribute land to peasants and soldiers. 22. How did a dead archduke in Sarajevo start a world war? The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary happened not in a very friendly country and the Status-Hungarian government blaming Serbia declared war against them. This caused Australias allies Germany to declare war as well dragging in Serbians allies further escalating the conflict. 23. Who sank the Louisiana, and what difference did it make? The Louisiana was sunk by a German U-boat citing that it violated international trade laws by carrying illegal arms.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Family Tree Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Family Tree - Assignment Example He wakes up really early in the morning. He drinks his coffee and reads the paper. My dad is full spirited. When he comes home from work he never fails to share his stories and anecdotes from his work. Nevertheless, he still manages to lay down his rules. If one of us fails to follow it, we sure will have a serious spanking. This is probably because he was a teacher, and now, is currently working as a superintendent of schools. His job requires him to teach the rules and at the same time follow them. On the other hand, there's my mom. My mom is of medium height, not that tall nor is she short. She has brown hair and blue eyes. My mom is a hard working and talkative woman. She prefers to stay at home to decorate the house and tend to the cooking, which my dad loves. His favorite food is muchos burritos. He would eat that every lunch that my mother brings to him in school. She loves to cook and start small projects that could potentially earn her extra income. She especially loves dancing and sewing. Her favorite pieces to work on are throw pillow cases and curtains. These are easy to make and sell at the same time. Samba is her favorite stress reliever. During her younger years, she would join contests will surely grab the award. She's really the best. Pap adores my mother; he always says "When I met your mother, I thought she was a caliente exquisite woman of an exotic beauty".
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